Monday, August 9, 2010

Todays life lesson: Don't fight with barbed wire...You won't win.

Today I got to go on a FIELD TRIP with Liz and Kate to Rapid City! WOOHOO! Originally we had nothing to do all after noon and we were going to have a nice leisurely trip, go out to get some lunch, do some room shopping, get some food, be calm. BUT NO! We got all call on the way there to let us know that we needed to learn bus parts today at 3.

But that is OKAY because we are rock stars. So the whole way up we jammed to some awesome music, there was a lot of dancing, and also a lot of speeding. We sped our way through target and managed to pick up some pretty awesome lights. Only $9! (I'm pretty excited about that part). After Target we made it in and out of Walmart in 30 minutes...BOOM! We EVEN stopped for subway, ice cream, and gas, and were only 7 minutes late for bus parts. HURRAY!

Sadly, I drove the car full of grocery bags up to the house and when I stepped out the door to walk over to the garage the sky opened up. I was really wet...but it was still kinda fun. Learning the bus parts was quite an adventure. I can now say that I have been under a bus...exciting I know. Hopefully I will remember them all for the test Thursday!

After dinner tonight I went on a walk which is how I learned todays life lesson...
don't worry though (mom) tetanus shot is up to date and it is all cleaned and bandaged and covered in neosporin...yummy.

And now that I have told you all my story of the day I am going to study up on buses and bus driving and meat hooks in semi trucks so that I pass the written test tomorrow.

Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Fighting with barbed wire DOES NOT EQUAL pacifism. Bad Quaker!
